Thanksgiving and Christmas are two holidays that people are intentional in giving, serving and being thankful. But we shouldn’t wait until pagan holidays to give to others, spend time with family(unless living from afar), and show gratitude for all that we are blessed with.
We should give anytime of the year, if possible, because God has first given to us. That ultimate gift of grace is more than enough to always be thankful.
So in all that you do, do it in the name of the Lord Jesus, rather than doing it out of obligation or holiday.
What I’m Thankful For?
The One that Died In The Flesh To Give Me Life In The Spirit
The Ultimate Sacrifice. The Atonement for my sins. The Living Water for my thirsty soul. The Good Shepherd leading, providing and protecting me. My Rock and Solid Foundation in this unsteady and ever-changing world.
Yeshua (Jesus).
If He doesn’t do anything else, He has done enough. Laying down His life is enough to be thankful daily.
Family and Friends
I was searching for a unique definition of family. Of course, we all know that family consists of your household and extended blood relatives. But family to some are much deeper than that. According to Milton Hershey School, family consists of people who support and love you, and the people that you can confide in and trust.
My circle of family and friends isn’t quite large, but I am grateful for who I do have and I already thank God in advance for those friends that I have not met yet.
My mother is the first in my circle. Not that I have everyone in order, but she is the first that I go to about things, besides Jesus. I know that I can trust her and know that she will give her two cents and hold me accountable…even when I don’t ask lol. She’s supportive and very thoughtful to mine and my siblings needs. I’m forever grateful for her and thank God for her daily.
I can’t thank God enough for my nieces and nephews. I love those kids(well from young adults down to toddler), more than they know. I have yet to become a mom, but I like to call myself “aunt mom” lol. The toddler has really helped me grow in that area concerning patience! I’m must going to need that later on with my own. ; )) *God’s Willing*
Shelter, Transportation and Income
These three things can often be overlooked because they are normal everyday things for some people. If you have all three or just one or two of these things, be grateful because what you have now could be gone later.
One Sunday afternoon, when I was a freshman in high school, my family’s home caught on fire. It started in my bedroom. I lost everything, but two rings. My whole family lost all of our clothes and shoes due to either being burned up or smoke damaged, but thank God, no one had lost their life. There is only speculation on what caused the fire, but only God knows what and why (that is another story for another day).
Although we didn’t have those material things, we still had each other.
I know what it means to be without, so I am grateful to have clothes to put on my back and shoes to put on my feet. A warm place in the winter and cool place in the summer. Clean water to clean myself and a bed to lay my head. Food for nutrition and drinking water for hydration.
I am thankful for the current car that I have. Nothing too fancy dancy, but this car is what God approved me for and gave me peace on when asked for His approval and advice.
I am thankful for having a job. With this job, I am able to take care of house essentials and other things. Although I am thankful, I am not mediocre and will not settle for just one stream of income. God’s promises and the desires He has planted in my heart are too big to settle small.
Breath in my Lungs and a Beating Heart
The fact that I wake up every morning breathing on my own is a pure blessing. So why wouldn’t I wake up with thanksgiving in my heart and praise His holy name?
Don’t wait until a man-made holiday to be thankful for something that God himself gives you daily.
Continue to take good care of what God has given you by feeding it what I needs. Proper foods, good company and most importantly, the Bread of Life (Word of God).
Isolation and Preparation
I am a living witness of the word isolate. It’s not that I don’t desire to be around people. I pray faithfully for my community…my God friends. As I have gotten closer to Christ overtime, God started weeding people out of my life. People that was only meant for a season but serves no purpose in the plans He has for me.
During isolation, I started studying the Word more. I have come very aware of myself and the love that God has for me. During isolation is where I found my purpose and was given my first assignment.
After all this, God is still pruning and molding me daily.
Isolation isn’t always bad. When you are isolating with the Holy Spirit, He is preparing you for what’s to come. If any of you are like me that needs and wants a community of believers to do life with, just know that God will bring them in due season. “You will reap a harvest if you faint not.” – Galatians 6:9
Thank you all for reading and feel free to share some of the things you are grateful for.
Charlotte says
❤️❤️❤️ I know I’m a little late on reading your post but you just amazes me every time I read your post. I just get the relief of exhaustion from my heart. You seem to calm me down and relax my mind. Keep up the good work.
Monique ST says
Thank you seester. This is why I write blogs. My heart is blessed to know I can be a help in your life. Jesus is the One. I do it for Him. He can bring true rest to anyone’s weary soul. Matthew 11:28 🤎🤎🤎🙌🏾