Hi, everyone, welcome back to my blog! I just wanted to jump on here and let out a few thoughts of mine.
As everyone knows, year 2020 has been one heck of a year so far and we’re not even half way through. If people are not woke by now, out of their bubble, or off their pedestal, then I surely hope they get it together soon because there is too much happening . One minute people are running around in fear of Covid 19 and next minute people are running around with anger and hate in their hearts for one another because of skin color. Do ya’ll see a pattern here? Neither one of these come from God. Don’t let Satan put so much fear in you that you are afraid to live your life and please don’t let him hardened your heart in a way that you have no love for another brother or sister.
You see, the word “fear” itself isn’t solely a sin. When you fear God, that is not a sin, but it is a must and if you feared Him then you would obey Him. The thing is, people are more fearful of the world instead of trusting God along the way and that is a sin. And speaking of Codid-19, being aware and fearful are two different things. I am one that do wear face masks in grocery stores, supercenters and anywhere else that a lot of people will be gathered. I wear them because I am aware of how contagious the virus can be, but not fearful because fear will take my joy away and I do not want to live a joyless life.
The other sin is “racism”. No matter what race you are, none of us are better than the next in God’s eyes. Don’t let that sin drag your soul to hell on judgement day. If someone don’t like me because of the color of my skin, that’s okay because I love me and oh, God loves me. He loves me because I am His child and He created me in His image. When you truly know how much God loves you, you don’t worry about who “likes” you. I want you all to know that You are Chosen, You are Loved, You are Blessed. Stop waiting on other humans to validate your existence or worth. Also, if any one of you have experienced racism, do not store up anger in your hearts towards that person or people. Trust me, I know that is the easiest thing to do. But just know, Satan already has their hearts, don’t let him take yours too. If someone has a problem with my blackness then they have a problem with God. Instead if me retaliating, I just leave it up to the Master, my Father in heaven.
“Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say, “I will take revenge; I will pay them back” says the Lord.“
Roman 12:19 NLT
The past two weeks, the media had really taken a tole on me. From watching the riots, to reading ignorant and hateful posts on Facebook, to constantly seeing posts of a child missing or of a sudden and unexpected death of a child in my own community, it was whole lot to deal with mentally. I couldn’t even work on my blog because my mind wasn’t in the right state to lead anyone. When I couldn’t focus on what God has given me, that’s when I knew I had to let go of the world and spend more time in prayer and in the Word of God.
Holy Spirit’s Leading
I want to share a little story on how the Holy Spirit worked in my life recently. Sometime last week, I was wanting to start back reading the Book of Revelation. There have been talk lately that we are living in revelation and I will admit, I don’t think we are there..yet, but that’s just my opinion. Before I started reading, I prayed to God like I usually do for the Holy Spirit to lead me to what I need to read. Let me tell you all, the Lord knew exactly what he was doing! I did at first open my Bible up to Revelation, but a voice (the Lord’s Spirit) told me…not yet. Read the Book of 1 Peter.
So, you all know how my last blog was about Salvation right? I turned to 1 Peter and it opens up teaching about “Hope for Eternal Life” and “a Call to Holy Living“. In chapter 4 it teaches about “Living for God”. Let me share a piece a scripture from that chapter. “The end of the world is coming soon. Therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your prayers. Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4: 7-8 NLT
After I read 1 Peter, I started on 2 Peter. This Book teaches about Growing in Faith, Paying Attention to Scripture, Danger of False Teachers and The Lord’s Coming. Listen, the Lord’s Spirit did not just lead me to those for any reason. You see, God is very aware of how the world is right now and He knows what’s to come. Even though I have read the same Scripture before, God needed me to reread it with the Spirit’s leading so I can study it the right way, meditate on it and go tell at least someone that might need saving, someone that might need a little push in the right direction, someone that might need to wake up from the dead and let Christ shine on them or someone that might need to get back on the path of truth and leave those false teachers alone.
The next day, I prayed again and I still wanted to get in the Book of Revelation but the voice said to me “not yet, read Jude”. Even Jude is warning the readers about The Danger of False Teachers and to Remain Faithful. See, God knows how so many people are deceived right now, he knows how many people put their trust in themselves, their money, religion and anywhere that does not have Christ in it. But just know that He still loves you and He’s still waiting on you. Just don’t wait until its too late. His Spirit didn’t lead me to read about the end of the world, to beware of false teachers, to remain faithful, for no reason. The end of the world could be a year or two or 20 or 30 years from now, but don’t test God. The Bible is here for a reason. Not just to merely read just to say you read it, but to study it and apply it to your life. It’s not about reading, but Obeying.
Life is moving fast and people are coming and going in this life. Don’t waste time you don’t have. We were not giving a life just to merely exist. We all have a purpose, so live in purpose. Everyday God wakes you up, He is given you a chance to get better and do better. For those of you that have not repented of your sins and accepted Jesus as you Lord and Savior, what are you waiting on? Do you want better, be better, live better? Jesus is the Way and we gonna need a whole lotta Jesus before revelation gets here. And yes, I do believe we are living in the last days but revelation itself is a whole other level.
Before I end my post, I do want to point out 1 John. I was led to read this Book after reading Jude even though that comes before Jude in the bible. But it teaches on Do Not Love This World, the Antichrist, Living as Children of God, False Prophets, Loving One Another and Having Faith in the Son of God.
We need to do what the Scriptures is telling us to do before we get in the real revelation.
At a later date, I do want to go deeper in discussion about these Books I’m telling you all about . I mainly read from my New Living Translation Bible. I know some only read King James Version or other versions and that’s totally fine. Even though I have different versions of the Bible, I study better in my NLT. Also, my Bible outlines each section with a title that helps the reader know what it will be teaching on.
But anyway, like I previously said, I just wanted to get on here to write out some thoughts of mine. I actually want to start incorporating more “thought” posts into my blog. Usually, what I write takes a lot of dedication, time, prayer and bible studying which I don’t mind because my blog is my ministry and I am very grateful for what I was given. I do have plans on advancing my blog, but someone has said “great things take time”. ; )
Thank you all for reading and I hope you guys have a great one!
Love and Blessings, Girl On A Mission
Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts.
1 John 5:21 NLT
Qiana Threadgill says
This was great. Always a joy to read. 😉 Thank you.
Monique ST says
Thank you for reading! I really hope that it is touching those in need. I wanted God to show me how to be a blessing to others and He gave me a vision of a blog. I said yes and want to keep going up from here!
Charlotte says
I hear and read a lot of people say time is near. But no one knows when we are going to leave this place. But I pray and hope when my time comes I will have a place in heaven. I do have fear of the virus that’s out but on the other hand I have faith. Thanks you for another inspirational message.
Monique ST says
You’re right, no one knows the time or hour the world will end. That is why, you have to live your life right while you can. Any anger or hatred that may be in your heart has got to go because you can’t have both love and hate. The Bible is here for a reason sister. Read it and apply it to your life. The way a person live will determine if they have a place in heaven the time comes. If have not already, repent to God (asking God for forgiveness of your sins), accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, get baptized and follow Him. Jesus is the only way to live eternal life in heaven. When you live for God, you don’t have to “hope” you will have a place in heaven, you will already know. Also, you need to have FAITH over FEAR. You choose one. Start your day with God everyday and even talk to Him throughout the day. You will start to feel so much better when God is allowed in your life. That you for always reading and I hope that it is a blessing to you and others!