Hey everyone! I know it has been almost two months too long since my last blog. During that time, I was given an opportunity to write a blog each for two sisters in Christ. The first is titled “Being Real and Authentic in the Presence of the Lord”. The second blog is “Who is God to Me”.
I have also been going through a few things and coming to realizations and I really feel like a change, a good change, is about to come. I’ve been feeling a shift in the atmosphere lately and I just ask God to prepare me for what He has for me.
One of those realizations inspired this blog post. So, let’s get right on in.
“Knowing your worth” typically means knowing yourself and your value, respecting yourself, having self-confidence and self-assurance.
To truly get to know how much you are worth, you need to get to know the One that paid the ultimate price to redeem your soul.
Start With Jesus
Your worth and identity should not be found in people, places or things, but only in Jesus Christ.
When your identity is rooted in Christ, you leave no room for the world to tell you who you are. Ladies and Gentlemen, when you truly know who you are in Christ, you start walking like it, talking like it, being bold and courageous and wearing your title as Daughter and Son of the Most High God.
You start realizing that you are worth more than what this world is trying to give you.
In Luke 12: 6-7, Jesus told His disciples, “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head is numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
You are loved so much that Jesus was willing to lay down His life so that you can have the life God the Father meant for you.
So, as you walk around in life, walk humbly with God confidence knowing who you belong to and even if the world looks down on you, God will lift you up in honor.
It is always good to know your worth before getting into a relationship or getting married. If you don’t it will be easy to tie your worth and identity in a title and you will start thinking “you are only somebody because of the person you are with”. When you truly know Jesus, you know that is farther from the truth.
I am who I am because I was created by the great I AM.
Before seeking courtship, seek Jesus first.
Of course, I have my share of mistakes and not so good relationships. The good thing now is, I’ve learned so much about myself and gotten closer to Christ since my last break up some time back. He has shown me my problem areas and how to be a better woman. He has taught me real love and shown me my worth. He wants to make sure that when the time comes for an intimate relationship again, I will be ready, but also know that my worth lies only in Him.
This man may be reserved to be my life partner, but Jesus is my lifeline.
We all have jitters and butterflies starting a new job. That’s normal. As time goes on, you’ll get use to things.
If you’ve been there months and years and still don’t feel good enough, that is a big problem. Stop and ask yourself, “Why don’t I feel good enough”?
Is it your own insecurities? Is it the superiors making you feel like you’re not smart enough? Well dear, you don’t belong to yourself or them. If God didn’t think you were good or smart enough to be there, He wouldn’t have placed you there.
From my own personal experiences, what keeps me going is Colossians 3:23-24.
“Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and the Master you are serving is Christ.”
Thank you all for reading and remember, you belong to the Most High and your identity and worth lies in the One that bore your sins on that heavy cross. His name is Yeshua (Jesus)
Monique ST
Charlotte says
Another great post thank s for this…
Monique ST says
Thank you for reading and you’re welcome! 💕