Welcome back to my blog to my recurring readers and welcome to my blog for any new readers! As everyone know this year has been very unpredictable and we are seeing a lot confusion, fear and hatred. In the midst of all the chaos in the world right now, I can always depend on this very thing…The Peace That God Gives.
Some people may question the Peace of God. They may ask, how can a person have peace in the midst of tribulation? Simple answer, the peace that God gives is unlike anything the world gives.
Some people look to the government to solve their problems. Some people look to their inner circle (friends, parents, spouse etc.) for comfort and understanding. Some people look to their employment for security. But I look to the One that promises me all of those things. Note: Yes, there are people that can help you along the way in life, but they cannot give you all that God can.
This world is steady changing, but God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and will be the same tomorrow. If there is ever a time to get yourself right with God, it is now. I know there are a lot of younger people that think they have all their life to live before they get serious about God. I will tell anyone right now, life is not certain and tomorrow is not promised. But…God’s Grace, Love and Mercy.
I lived the life of partying and doing things that was not Christ-like. Through it all, God was still there even when I didn’t make time for Him. Even when I was out here “living”. So, when I was out here “doing me” I didn’t know how to respond or react to trials that came my way. That is because I didn’t have the type of relationship with God then as I do now. I would’ve hated it if I died during the time I was living in sin. Now I know better, so I choose to do better. Now I am really living. Living the life God chose for me. He allowed me to do all that I did i.e. living life for myself . He knew that I was going to come back to Him and He would be there waiting. Lord knows I wouldn’t change that for anything in the world. I cannot afford to not have God with me in this day and age.
When you have a relationship with God and know how much He loves and cares for you, you will have peace that surpasses all understanding. I may not understand what all is going on today, but I do know that God is with me daily. By knowing and feeling His presence, that brings me peace.
The world is in total turmoil right now. People are looking left and right for answers and solutions instead of looking up to heaven. People are living in fear and don’t have no idea what Faith can do. People are in panic but won’t seek the One whom calms the storm. People are turning coldhearted towards one another instead of believing that love is the answer. People are glorifying and idolizing things of this world without the concern that one great day, everything and everyone in it will go away. People are normalizing things that are contrary to the Word Of God, but let them please read Galatians 5:16-24.
I thank God for Him being who He is. And I pray that everyone will seek Him and not this world. When you come close to God, He will come close to you.
If any of you have not repented of your sins and accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, I suggest doing it now. I will not force anything upon you, but just know Jesus is the Way. If you truly want peace, seek God and not this world. Then you will face each day with contentment and assurance.
Before I end this, I want to say that Fear and Worry does not come from God. It comes from the evil one. For God did not give us a spirit of fear.
I am leaving you with a gift, peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.
John 14:27 NLT
Charlotte says
Amen, I try not to fear, that’s why i go to work. Knowing that I’m not safe but I have god on my side. I’m not troubled I’m prayed up thank you for helping me understand that god is the way. Love you sister
Monique ST says
Love you too seester and always keep God in your life.