At the beginning of January, I said that my goal this year was to be more like Jesus. As I was writing that particular goal down, the Holy Spirit spoke and asked me a few questions to ensure I was ready. The last question was, ”Are you sure you want that life?
Then the Holy Spirit reminded me of the request of Salome, the mother of James and John, to Jesus. She said, “Grant that one of these two sons of mine may sit with you at your right and the other at your left in your kingdom.”
”You don’t know what you are asking,” Jesus responded.
We often say, ”Lord, let your will be done.” Lord, we want what you want for us.” Lord, I’ll follow you no matter what.” ”Lord, I want to be more like you”. But what if He asks you what He asked James and John.
”Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?”
After they answered the same response that many of us will have answered without knowing the weight of the words, ”We can, ” Jesus said, ”You will indeed drink from my cup.”
Many of us want the glory of Christ, without the suffering of Christ, the obedience to God, or loving others as Jesus loves them.
Before I get into the ways to be more like Jesus, I want to share my story of the spiritual warfare I endured in January.
For a few months leading up to the new year, God spoke to me regarding the spiritual realm and spiritual gifts. He put it in my heart to start learning more about the spiritual gifts and walking in them because souls are depending on me to be obedient to His will.
He also wants me to be in an atmosphere with other like-minded individuals that I can learn from and with.
After I visited a church that God put in my heart to visit, the spiritual attacks began. All throughout January, Satan was throwing attacks of fear, confusion, and discouragement, and truth be told, it made me totally drained and wanting to give up on the whole mission.
I felt lost in the middle of a battle. I started to think back to the time when I lived with no purpose. I had no spiritual responsibility or accountability. But now I do. I am known as an encourager and absolutely love encouraging others, but during that time, I withdrew from others and didn’t have any encouragement in me to give.
But God.
In all His grace, He was still there and wouldn’t let me go. He told me to fast for the last three days of January. I decided on an evening three-day fast. He reminded me that no matter the battle, no matter my emotions or what is going on around me….His word will never change nor His will for humanity.
So we spent that time together and the attacks from the enemy fell off of me.
January 30th, as I was getting ready for work that morning, David and Goliath were on my mind. I heard the words, ”David knew his identity. He knew his authority in God.”
The next morning, January 31st, to my surprise, my New Morning Mercies devotional was about David and Goliath and it said something that stood out to me. ”The Israelite army was afraid because they forgot who they were.” So, therefore, they could not defeat the giant.
Two other times that same day, David and Goliath were brought up to me by different sources.
On the last night of the fast, I was floored when the Holy Spirit led me to read Luke 4:31-37. What stood out to me was verse 36: ”With authority and power, He gives orders to impure spirits and they come out.”
I learned that Satan is afraid of me learning about the spiritual realm and walking in the gifts of the Holy Spirit because there is power, deliverance, healing, and building of the Body of Christ (The Church) when you know your authority.
Jesus was tested by the Enemy in the wilderness. As a follower of Christ, you will be tested too.
The First Step in Living Like Jesus is Learning From Jesus.
He knew His authority. He knew His identity. He knew His purpose.
More importantly, He knew the Word of God.
Jesus went through attacks, persecutions, accusations, rejections, etc.
And yet, He still loved, forgave, and showed mercy to the merciless.
Then ultimately laid down His life for you and me.
So I ask you what the Holy Spirit asked me.
”Are you sure you want to be more like Jesus?”
”Are you sure you want that life?”
It takes work. It takes humility. It takes discipline.
It takes the strength and power of the Holy Ghost.
I will be listing the ways that we can be more like Jesus in part two of this blog. Stay tuned!
Thank you for reading and see below a video of encouragement from the author! Also, if you have not read my Word for 2024, you can do so here.
A Call To Jesus
“If you declare with your mouth, ”Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” – Romans 10:9-10
With salvation must first come repentance. Repentance simply means, turning away from your sinful lifestyle and turning towards a life of holiness. With the strength and power of God, it is possible. Many people want to obtain salvation without turning away from a life of sin, but repentance is necessary for salvation.
It is impossible to ”get right” before God. He is the only true righteous One. He is calling you to come as you are and He will wash your sins away. Come as you are in your brokenness and He will make you healed, whole and complete.
”Come now, let us settle this matter,” says the Lord. ”Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.”
Isaiah 1:18
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