Hello everyone! I am back to writing. I took some time off, but now I am back. Back to what I love. Writing for Jesus. This is a new year and I am excited for change, growth, and a year of favor. I am starting with my word of the year.
My word of the year is Surrender.
Why Surrender? Well, at first, I thought my word was discipleship. That is something that the Lord and I have been talking about. But at the end of December, He told me that it was going to be surrender because I needed to surrender my whole being to Him to be a disciple, to fully walk in my calling, and to fully be aligned with His will.
What does that entail? My will, thoughts, ways, goals, plans, desires, body, ministry, business, etc., and even my vision board for the year 2025. Everything that I have belongs to God. Even this blog. And I should steward (take care of) them well.
For me to walk in my purpose of bearing fruit as he told us to do since the beginning, I need to write, create, design, build, speak, and teach from a place of surrender.
I learn from and start flowing with the Holy Spirit in that surrendered place. The Spirit gives you the power to bear fruit and make disciples as the Lord Jesus commanded. See The Great Commission.
And that starts with surrendering my time to be in the word of God faithfully. To hear, listen, and receive from God.
In the Word is where my thoughts will be renewed. It is the place where I will learn how to live the ways of Christ. It is written in Scripture where I will receive direction for my next steps. It is home to strategies, inspiration, and even correction.
In the Bible is where I meet Jesus and fellowship with Him. Living a life of total surrender is true worship. We were created to worship God.
''Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test, and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.'' - Romans 12:1-2
What is Your Word of the Year for 2025?
If you don’t have one yet but would love to receive a word that will describe your year, I highly recommend these two steps: spend time with God and ask Him. Reflect back on the past year and think about things that you may have wanted or desired.
Think about a word that may have come up a lot i.e. change, growth, abundance, family, new beginnings. Perhaps, it could be rest. When you get your word, confirm it with God by asking Him is it for you. It will set the tone for your year.
For those who may not have a relationship with God right now but would love to, today is a good day to start.
He created each of us with a plan and purpose. He knows what you need and desire. He knows your past, present, and future. In other words, He knows your 2025.
Invitation to Receive Jesus
Do you want to flow with the Holy Spirit? Do you want to walk in the plans that God set for you before you were born? Do you want peace, comfort, or rest? Jesus is always giving out invitations to come to Him. He’s ready for you and ready to walk with you through this new year and beyond.
If you declare with your mouth, ''Jesus is Lord,'' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says, ''Anyone who believes in Him will never be put to shame. -Romans 10:9-11
Monique ST,
Extra Goodness
If you have had a tough year or going through any problems, I promise you don’t want to pass this one up. Read: Surrendering to Jesus Wholeheartedly.
This past year was definitely a battle and I had to realize certain areas of my life still needed to be surrendered to go higher with Jesus.
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